Using Leading Indicators to Predict the Housing Market

Using Leading Indicators to Predict the Housing Market

Leading Indicators

Leading indicators are the only way to accurately make a realistic prediction of future performance. Trailing indicators, such as "Sold Prices" show what has already happened 30 to 60 days ago. We have seen Sales price per square foot increase every month in 2023, up 6.4% since December. So what happened? "Listings under contract" is another indicator, and we’ve seen the fewest numbers of buyers in escrow at any time since 2009.
This indicates a very slow market. Low buyer activity, paired with even lower seller activity, points to more upward pressure on prices in the Valley. Watch this month's 3-minute market update to understand why Market Report.

Work With Denise

Looking for expert assistance in the complex and ever-changing world of real estate? Look no further! The team at Exec-Elite is led by Denise van den Bossche, providing 40 years of proven performance as one of the top Agents in Arizona real estate sales. Your real estate investment is a large asset in your portfolio, don’t discount your net worth. When it comes time to buy or sell a home, experience the difference the team at Exec-Elite brings to the table. Contact us now and take the first step toward achieving your real estate goals.

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